Ornis Mala is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of iReview.com, a platform of the MyDev.com eco-system. In 2012, Ornis was the Director of Software at The Federal Savings Bank, when he decided to start his own Software Development Studio.

Over the past 10 years, Ornis and his team have built software solutions to help grow many successful businesses from startup to multi-million dollars valuations. MyDev is now a brand owned by The Social Plus Holding, which includes the Reputation Management platform, iReview.com.
Through years of invention, Ornis built an automotive diagnostics project that turned into one of the largest and leading platforms nationwide. Created multiple issued, and pending patents of that work, are a good proof that Ornis and his team have what’s needed to help businesses and business owners find and build solutions that are much needed in today’s day in age.
Lastly, Ornis is a father of three, a dedicated family man to his children and his dear wife Dafina. Ornis moved to Chicago, IL in 2007 from Prishtina, Republic of Kosovo, Europe.